Oresome Products Pty Ltd
ABN: 24 160 854 544
DUNS: 74 731 3695
Postal address:
PO Box 4350, Victoria Park WA 6979 – AUSTRALIA
Delivery address:
26 Fisher Street, Belmont WA 6104 – AUSTRALIA
Phone: +61 448 511 889
Sales: sales@oresomeproducts.com
Enquiries: info@oresomeproducts.com
Skype: glenn.tobin1
Web: www.oresomeproducts.com

About Us
Glenn Tobin, Director with Oresome Products, formed the company in 2012. Prior to that he was involved in product conceptualization, design, development and commercialization of drill & blast products. He has a mechanical engineering background and holds a post-graduate Master of Business Administration (MBA) degree from Curtin University in Western Australia, is an associate member of the International Society of Explosive Engineers (ISEE-USA), and member of the ISEE Australian Chapter.
Our vision is to contribute to better & safer blasting outcomes. Our aim is to offer category-leading mining products & consumables and innovative solutions, all aimed at improving blasting outcomes.
We are based in Western Australia – one of the worlds’ leading mining territories. Over 14 years’ experience in servicing drill & blast operations here & overseas gives us a clear perspective of what customers want from their products & their suppliers.